Subject: Re: [libssh2] libssh2-0.15 Problems authenticating

Re: [libssh2] libssh2-0.15 Problems authenticating

From: Guenter Knauf <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 00:03:07 +0200

Hi Paul,
> Yes, the extra '_' is a typo.
ok, good, then my patch should now work for MSVC7.

> You can't copy/paste from the windows command prompt.
no, you can copy&paste from a cmd or command prompt (but you should use cmd on XP):
either in the cmd menu or in the context menu you csn find a 'mark' option; once you have selected this you can mark text in the smd box which gets then highlighted, and when you're ready then press enter and the marked text goes into clipboard, and you can from there insert into other apps as f.e. your mailer, or text editor.

> I can ping the server by hostname and ssh to it with Konsole and I can ping
> the server by IP address and connect to it by IP address with Konsole. SSH
> works there just fine.
hmm, but it still may be a firewall problem if your ssh program is a trusted one, but the ssh2 sample is not.

> Still fails:
> Authentication by password failed.
I've now build ssh2 sample with MSVC6, and that works as fine as the MingW32 build;
please try with this:
if you still cant make a successful authentication with this then I believe something goes wrong with your box, f.e. firewall?


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Received on 2007-07-18