Subject: Re: [libssh2] libssh2-0.15 Problems authenticating

Re: [libssh2] libssh2-0.15 Problems authenticating

From: James Housley <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 14:38:28 -0400

On Jul 18, 2007, at 2:34 PM, Guenter Knauf wrote:

> Hi Jim,
>> Using NULL is not really supported as noted in both the online docs
>> and included man page for libssh2_auth_list. You really need to send
>> the username you intend to use.
> ok, as I said in other mail I was fooled by the comment there.....
> but nevertheless the call to libssh2_userauth_list() seems to
> modify the session handle in a way that it fails more than before;
> when I do a call to libssh2_userauth_list() then my NetWare box
> fails, while without it succeeds....
> I will send you my current ssh2.c version so you can verify.....

If you call it with the same username as you plan to use, it should
work. But please send what you have.


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Received on 2007-07-18