Subject: Re: [libssh2] libssh2-0.15 Problems authenticating

Re: [libssh2] libssh2-0.15 Problems authenticating

From: Guenter Knauf <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 00:43:03 +0200

Hi Paul,
> So perhaps I should start a new thread about the keyboard-interactive
> stuff not working?
hmmm, see below (works from apps)...
> Or has this been fixed over the weekend?
unfortunately no - I was busy on other things.....
but what I tested is curl (MingW32 build) with your box - and that works just fine;
so currently I think that our samples are just in a bad state, and dont use the lib properly;
but curl seems to do better, so that indicates that the lib actually works.....

you can self try with this curl build:

so I'd suggest that you fetch curl sources either from CVS, or the daily snapshot, and try with that...
Are you bound to MSVC7 with your project? Or can you use MingW32 for now....?
I was not yet able to build a working MSVC curl with libssh2, and therefore I didnt checkin the makefile changes for MSVC...
yeah, Win32 MSVC is somewhat behind currently in both projects, but you're welcome to help!

greets, Guen.

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Received on 2007-07-24