> I'll appreciate some more comments on the benefits of Reply-To or not. And
> yes, there are articles on the net with documents such as "blablabla
> considered harmful" but they exist for both sides of this argument so this
> is mostly a question of personal preference.
AFAIK most mailers only 'reply' to the sender when you hit 'Reply' which is 100% correct since this is a true reply; some mailers may have an configure option to allways do a 'Reply-To-All' which then will include the list address; so with this standard list setup I see two things happen:
1) with a 'Reply-To-All' the original sender allways gets _two_ indentical mails - one from the replyer, and one from the list, and that makes it harder to differ from real private mails which may also happen between same persons (unless you setup filters in your mailer).
2) too many times I see threads which vanish from the list because those who mainly discuss the thread even dont realize that the further conversation takes only place on private basis rather than through the list. In the past it happened often that I forgot to 'Reply-To-All', and after a while wondered why my post didnt appear on the list, and then had to send same mail again this time to the list. Others also told me the same a couple of times that they believed they posted to the list, but in fact they did not.
I believe that 99% of all list mail replies are intended to go to the list again - and without either beeing the list the 'Sender', or the 'Reply-To' setup to the list address, its for many list members extra action to reply to the list rather than to the original sender.
my 2ct.
greets, Guen.
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Received on 2007-07-24