Subject: Re: [libssh2] (no subject)

Re: [libssh2] (no subject)

From: Dan Fandrich <>
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 14:09:29 -0700

On Mon, Sep 10, 2007 at 12:51:37PM -0400, Paul Thomas wrote:
> So I take it no one out there has any idea how to actually get things going
> with this library? I can create the what? Why isn't there a bash
> like prompt being sent back to me over the socket?

It is--but it's begin sent encrypted so you need to use libssh2 to read it.

> > can get to the point where it can open up a shell on a pty, but after
> that
> > suceeds what do I do now?
> >
> > The guides all say
> > /* At this point the shell can be interacted with using
> > * libssh2_channel_read()
> > * libssh2_channel_read_stderr()
> > * libssh2_channel_write()
> > * libssh2_channel_write_stderr()
> >
> > Thats nice, but I expected that after I requested a shell that there
> would
> > be some data on the socket ready to be read that contained something
> like:
> > paul_at_computerName ~ $

The documentation for those function describes how to use them. The following
brute-force hack to the ssh2 example program will display the first bit
of data sent by the remote server after a shell connect just to prove that
it's possible:

--- libssh2/example/simple/ssh2.c Wed Aug 8 18:10:11 2007
+++ ./ssh2.c Mon Sep 10 13:56:56 2007
@@ -217,6 +217,15 @@
      * A channel can be closed with: libssh2_channel_close()
      * A channel can be freed with: libssh2_channel_free()
+ {
+ int len = 0;
+ while (len == 0) {
+ char buf[1024];
+ len = libssh2_channel_read(channel, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ printf("%*s", len, buf);
+ }
+ }

     if (channel) {

A real implementation would be built on libssh2_poll instead of this
dumb busy loop.

It would probably be a good idea to update the ssh2 example program to
actually behave more like OpenSSH's ssh and allow an actual interactive
login session.

>>> Dan

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Received on 2007-09-10