Subject: [libssh2] compiling libssh2 with Visual C 98 for windows

[libssh2] compiling libssh2 with Visual C 98 for windows

From: Édouard BERGÉ <>
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2008 17:47:24 +0200

Hi, i'm trying to compile a .lib of libssh2 for windows with VisualC 98

I deactivated POLL, SELECT and many other features to let windows compile,
but i'm blocked with F_GETFL, F_SETFL and O_NONBLOCK even if i disable the
right options...

Z:\3rdParty\libssh2\0_18\src\src\session.c(270) : warning C4013: 'fcntl'
undefined; assuming extern returning int
Z:\3rdParty\libssh2\0_18\src\src\session.c(270) : error C2065: 'F_GETFL' :
undeclared identifier
Z:\3rdParty\libssh2\0_18\src\src\session.c(272) : error C2065: 'F_SETFL' :
undeclared identifier
Z:\3rdParty\libssh2\0_18\src\src\session.c(272) : error C2065: 'O_NONBLOCK'
: undeclared identifier
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl.exe' : return code '0x2'

Anyone has already done this compilation with windows XP ?

Since i won't modified libssh2, i just need the .lib of the latest version
to compile a modified version of libcurl


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Received on 2008-07-08