Subject: Re: host + key pairs for known_hosts

Re: host + key pairs for known_hosts

From: Tor Arntsen <>
Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 12:07:13 +0200

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 11:54, Daniel Stenberg <> wrote:

> Now, this seems to be a description of the known_hosts file currently in use
> by openssh:
> IOW, they no longer store the host name in the plain, but only as a sha-1 hash
> with a 64bit salt. This will have some impact on how we can do the host + key
> pairs and check for existing keys.

Hashed or not is a configurable option in openssh (HashKnownHosts no/yes).
I always turn off hashing because I don't see how I could handle cases
where the known host updates its key (because I have e.g. reinstalled
its OS or something). There doesn't seem to be an ssh option to
override it, and with hashing on I would have to delete the entire
known_hosts file every time, afaic. With hashing off I just vi the
file, a quick search, and kill the line.

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libssh2-devel mailing list
Received on 2009-05-06