Subject: RE: IPv6 Support Query

RE: IPv6 Support Query

From: Kumar, Ashish <>
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 12:15:36 +0530

Hello ,


Further to my investigation , I see some issues with below method .


int _libssh2_transport_read(LIBSSH2_SESSION * session)


in transport.c



Background : I have a linux BOX with IPv4 & IPv6 stack and IPv6 address
is a local-link address . sshd on linux box is listening on port 22
having ip6 socket . Now I have used libssh2 to do ssh in my code and it
has been working fine till we identified this issue .

I have created socket using IP4 address and port 22 and I did so because
I could connect using putty as well plink using ip4 address and port-22



I have used "libssh2_userauth_password" method for password
authentication which in-turn calls

int _libssh2_transport_read(LIBSSH2_SESSION * session)

to read from socket and data is even read from socket as in the below
call nread = 68 .


nread =

                _libssh2_recv(session->socket_fd, &p->buf[remainbuf],

                              PACKETBUFSIZE - remainbuf,




And even below call shows the data in encrypted format


debugdump(session, "libssh2_transport_read() raw",&p->buf[remainbuf],



but as a result of call to below method


rc = decrypt(session, &p->buf[p->readidx], block, blocksize);


"p->buf" & "block" becomes an empty string with rc = 0 .


Although "p->init" as well as "p->buf" are empty string . Even "block"
is an empty string .


Furthere there is a call to


p->padding_length = block[4]; where-in Junk value is copied .


Further down below operation copies junk value


memcpy(p->wptr, &block[5], blocksize - 5);


Below method further down return 51.

rc = fullpacket(session, encrypted);


when I see in


static int

userauth_password(LIBSSH2_SESSION *session, const char *username,

                  unsigned int username_len, const char *password,

                  unsigned int password_len,



I see that

session->userauth_pswd_data[0] = 3


in password_response:


And finally there is a return of value "-1" meaning password
authentication failed .


On the contrary , I am easily able to login using putty using same user
password which I have used in the code .



I am sorry for being bit elaborate , but please help me identifying my
issue . I am even attaching a small screen-shot for your reference .





[] On Behalf Of Jeremy Knope
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 8:38 PM
To: libssh2 development
Subject: Re: IPv6 Support Query


I use libssh2 just fine with both IPv6 & IPv4. Your program is the one
that has to establish the actual socket connection so it's up to you to
support it in you program.

Jeremy Knope / Software Developer / Ambrosia Software, Inc. --
On Dec 18, 2009, at 8:11 AM, Kumar, Ashish wrote:
Can you please tell me if libssh2 supports IPv6 ssh ?
acm-suse9:/proc # lsof -i :22
sshd     4972 root    3u  IPv6   7480       TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
sshd    25032 root    4u  IPv6 287309       TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
sshd    25348 root    4u  IPv6 288321       TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
"while ((rc = libssh2_userauth_password(session, username, password)) ==
this method is always returning -1 .
Thanks & Regards, 
Ashish Kumar 


Received on 2009-12-21