Subject: RE: libssh2 takes long time to connect to CoreFTP's SFTP service

RE: libssh2 takes long time to connect to CoreFTP's SFTP service

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 12:36:18 +0100 (CET)

On Wed, 17 Feb 2010, Xu, Qiang (FXSGSC) wrote:

> => libssh2_transport_write send() (36 bytes)
> 0000: AE FB 90 17 48 44 6D 9D 50 B5 4E 57 33 12 AE BF : ....HDm.P.NW3...
> 0010: 2D 7D 07 B4 CC C3 58 F6 B4 11 9A E2 2F 41 58 4C : -}....X...../AXL
> 0020: 98 77 2A 6B : .w*k
> [libssh2] 1.229925 Socket: Error recving 16384 bytes to 0x8b01648+0: 11
> [libssh2] 605.366124 Socket: Recved 68/16384 bytes to 0x8b01648+0

Does this problem occur every time you try to do an SFTP dir listing on this

Is there any chance you can run such a server in public for a while to allow
us to debug libssh2 against one? Or anyone else who has a Windows machine up
and facing the internet willing to help out here?

Received on 2010-02-17