Subject: Re: so name bump; impact on major, minor and patch version

Re: so name bump; impact on major, minor and patch version

From: Simon Josefsson <>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 20:50:40 +0100

Jose Baars <> writes:

> Hi,
> I noticed the discussion on size_t, and saw an so name bump was considered,
> to implement changes to would break the ABI.
> Excuse my ignorance, what is the impact on the major version, minor version
> and patch version when an so name bump is done?

No correlation can be assumed, but I suspect we'll go to libssh2 1.4.x
or even 2.x.y from 1.2.x to reflect that we've done major changes.

> On VMS usually the major version is increased, to make it impossible for
> calling programs developed against a lower version to even open the shared
> image.

You should not use the libssh2 release version number for the library
version on VMS -- please compute the shared library version from the
'-version-info 1:1:0' information in src/ The release
version number of libssh2 has nothing to do with shared library
versioning, strictly speaking. See the comments in src/ for
more background, or read the GNU Libtool manual for the entire story.

Received on 2010-03-11