On Fri, 16 Apr 2010, Joachim Strömbergson wrote:
> I got the clang/llvm static analyzer [1] to work on libssh 1.2.5. The tool
> found in total 66 bugs. Of these 11 are dead assigment and 38 dead
> increments. There are however a couple of logical errors that looks
> plausible (not false positives).
> What would be a good next step?
I think we should work on fixing ALL the warnings. Even fixing the silly ones
make the actual ones stand out better and get proper notice.
I'll grab your tarballs and start going over them.
Oh, and thanks!
-- / daniel.haxx.se
libssh2-devel http://cool.haxx.se/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/libssh2-devel
Received on 2010-04-16