Hi Eric,
Eric Tung wrote:
> > > ssh2.c blindly sends out the password;
> > Big difference. Did you look at the kbdint RFC?
> Yes. Did you look at ssh2.c?
No. Not at all. I ass-u-me:d. Sorry about that.
> It blindly sends the password *for keyboard-interactive*; my patch
> basically copies what it does. I'm not saying that password and
> keyboard-interactive should be treated the same way, this is
> clearly wrong. I am saying the libssh2 examples should be
> consistent with each other.
> I just started looking into libssh2
Sorry about the rough landing.
> and my primary interest at this point is a proof-of-concept to make
> sure things work for my use case, not to get everything perfect the
> first go-around.
> > I think an error message would already be a big improvement.
> Sure.
Though since they're examples it would also be fine just to use
printf() and fgets() for a conversation function.
libssh2-devel http://cool.haxx.se/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/libssh2-devel
Received on 2010-04-22