Subject: building dynamic library fails on HP-UX 11.11 with aCC A.03.52

building dynamic library fails on HP-UX 11.11 with aCC A.03.52

From: Alona Rossen <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 13:15:29 -0400


Build of 32-bit dynamic library failed on HP-UX 11.11 with aCC A.03.52.

Makefiles were configured with the following command:


$ ./configure CFLAGS=-mt -I/usr/local/ssl1.0/include

.0/lib -Wl,-a,shared -Wl,+s --with-openssl

0 --prefix=/usr/local/ssh2 --enable-shared=yes



Static library has only been built. Please not that both static and
dynamic libs have been built in a 64-bit version on the same box.


This is a 64-bit configure command:


$ ./configure CFLAGS=+DD64 -I/usr/local/ssl1.0_64/include LDFLAGS=+DD64

/lib/pa20_64 -L/usr/local/ssl1.0_64/lib --with-openssl

/local/ssl1.0_64 --prefix=/usr/local/ssh2_64 --enable-shared=yes



Please advise.


Thank you,



Received on 2010-06-11