I'm implementing libssh2 for iPhone application. And from the application, i'll allow a user to access remote machine and fire commands on terminal. But to use libssh2, i need to authenticate user first and then channel and session can be created, you can take a look at API. But I need is to establish session and channel by authenticating user with private key. So, i need to implement private key in my application. So, is this possible with libssh2? This is critical.
On Jul 24, 2010, at 12:30 PM, Ted Lemon wrote:
> On Jul 24, 2010, at 2:52 AM, Paresh Thakor wrote:
>> Could you please lemme know how to authenticate a user through private key?
> Do you mean how does the server validate the user's private key against its copy of the user's public key? Or do you mean how does the user use their private key to authenticate to a host that has their public key?
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> libssh2-devel http://cool.haxx.se/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/libssh2-devel
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Received on 2010-07-24