Subject: Re: Debugging SCP failure: "Timed out waiting for SCP response"

Re: Debugging SCP failure: "Timed out waiting for SCP response"

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 15:04:27 +0200 (CEST)

On Mon, 11 Oct 2010, Tim Martin wrote:

> The call that is triggering the error is the one on line 385, and the return
> code from _libssh2_channel_read() is zero. I'll do a little more digging
> myself to see if I can trace any further what's happening immediately before
> this, but I don't konw if this makes any sense on its own?

I was just reading that code and returning error due to 0 there is a bug. It
just means that _libssh2_channel_read() didn't return any payload data in that

Try changing the error codition to (rc < 0 and add a

  else if(rc == 0)

... and see if that makes anything different. I think that's more appropriate
and I'm working in my end to try out such a modfication.

The second place has the same flaw but is harder to fix...

Received on 2010-10-11