Subject: Re: Small binary files are getting transferred but not the larger ones in libssh2 SFTP

Re: Small binary files are getting transferred but not the larger ones in libssh2 SFTP

From: kali muthu <>
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 19:21:12 +0530

>>And I could see that most of the time the execution goes to the
block if(buffer[0] == '\0') and that is the reason for the resulting binary
files has less size than the original.

On further analysis of the Binary File and while opening the file in
Notepad++ text editor, I could see that the file contains certain character
NUL. (I have shown in a highlighted manner, since the character does look
like this). Will that might cause my error to occur? I think it behaves
literally as an NULL character. Is there any way I can specify the libssh2
to transmit in binary mode so that it doesn't interpret the characters as

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 5:19 PM, kali muthu <> wrote:

> I tried your example also and still the resulting files has lesser size
> than the original.
> On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 3:16 AM, Daniel Stenberg <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 3 Mar 2011, kali muthu wrote:
>> I am using the libssh2_sftp_read() to read the remote server files which
>>> are binary. I am using the session in non-blocking mode. I can able to
>>> transfer text files and smaller binary files.
>> Can you show us a full source code of your app that doesn't work? We do
>> provide the sftp_nonblock.c example that shows a SFTP download using the
>> non-blocking API...
>> --
>> /
>> _______________________________________________
>> libssh2-devel
> --
> Regards,
> Kali


Received on 2011-03-14