Subject: Re: Small binary files are getting transferred but not the larger ones in libssh2 SFTP

Re: Small binary files are getting transferred but not the larger ones in libssh2 SFTP

From: kali muthu <>
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 14:17:15 +0530

>> You mean that are expected to be there?
Yes, the binary file actually has those contents and I need to transfer

I tried transferring a JPG image file using SFTP. (I chose JPG because when
I opened the JPG file in the text editor Notepad++, it has the similar
contents like NUL). Even here I am not able to obtain the entire contents
using SFTP. The transferred file has lesser size than the original one. I
tried with your non-blocking example too. But no luck.

Is there any other way to transfer these kind of files? Or is this issue
specific to me?

On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 7:33 PM, Daniel Stenberg <> wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Mar 2011, kali muthu wrote:
>  On further analysis of the Binary File and while opening the file in
>> Notepad++ text editor, I could see that the file contains certain
>> character
>> NUL.
>  (I have shown in a highlighted manner, since the character does look
>> like this).
> (I read emails in text, you can't "highlight" then...)
>  Will that might cause my error to occur?
> No. SSH and SFTP send data in full binary mode and send everything as-is.
> --
>  /

Received on 2011-03-16