On Thu, 16 Jun 2011, zl liu wrote:
>> Can you see if you can figure out how that can happen?
> -7 haven't return to the caller. just the internal errno.
I'm confused. So which line of code logged the -7 you showed originally?
> after debug the libssh2,i get the following information:
> the function call stack:
>> libssh2.dll!send_existing(_LIBSSH2_SESSION * session=0x017d0068, const
> unsigned char * data=0x014f1e00, unsigned int data_len=9, long *
> ret=0x00035410) ÐÐ605 C
> libssh2.dll!_libssh2_transport_send(_LIBSSH2_SESSION * session=0x017d0068,
> const unsigned char * data=0x014f1e00, unsigned int data_len=9, const
> unsigned char * data2=0x00000000, unsigned int data2_len=0) ÐÐ696 + 0x15 ×Ö½Ú
> C
> i haven't send anything, it is a internal mistake?
I don't understand. Are you saying this was the first call to
_libssh2_transport_send() ? What do you mean with you haven't send anything?
-- / daniel.haxx.se
libssh2-devel http://cool.haxx.se/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/libssh2-devel
Received on 2011-06-16