Subject: Re: Re: send/recv callbacks (was Re: writing to channel limited to 2 Mb?)

Re: Re: send/recv callbacks (was Re: writing to channel limited to 2 Mb?)

From: Henrik Nordström <>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 09:29:23 +0200

tis 2011-08-16 klockan 04:35 +0000 skrev

> And also notify them about EAGAIN returned by write, as I see now it
> will require some tricky changes to their code...

Does it? From what I could see in the code you quoted earlier they merge
EAGAIN and ret==0 as return 0. But I have no idea of what kind of event
loop handling qxt is using. The upper levels will need to handle that as
EAGAIN somehow.


Received on 2011-08-16