Subject: Re: libssh2_channel_close/libssh2_channel_free hangs if you execute long-running command

Re: libssh2_channel_close/libssh2_channel_free hangs if you execute long-running command

From: Henrik Nordström <>
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 21:58:02 +0200

fre 2011-10-14 klockan 10:06 -0700 skrev Pavel Strashkin:

> The "terminate" word has the only meaning so i think it's a bug that
> libssh2 waits for next channel data after user has called
> libssh2_channel_close. The waiting period depends on how often the
> program uses stdout/stderr.

It need to wait for the remote to respond to the close request, but that
should be pretty much immediately.


Received on 2011-10-14