Subject: Re: libssh2_sftp_read reads a number of bytes smaller than both the file size and the specified buffer size

Re: libssh2_sftp_read reads a number of bytes smaller than both the file size and the specified buffer size

From: Adam Craig <>
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2012 16:12:31 -0700

Mr. Stenberg,

On 4/3/12, Daniel Stenberg <> wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Apr 2012, Adam Craig wrote:
>> If I upload a file of 200K all in one call to libssh2_sftp_write and it
>> returns 30K when it actually uploaded all 200K, what does the 30K return
>> value mean?
> It means 30K was sent off and that you need to call it again with the
> remaining 170K. In a very similar fashion to how write() and similar
> function
> calls work.
This is what I had originally interpreted it to mean, but, when I
tested it, even if my application did not call libssh2_sftp_write
again with the remaining 170K, the whole 200K still show up on the
server, even though the function only returned 30K on the first call.
That is, the amount of data it reported sending was less than what
actually showed up on the server.

>> Does the documentation explain this somewhere?
>> All te information on this I could find was
>> Actual number of bytes written or negative on failure.
> Based on your questions, I figure we need to expand this to explain it with
> more detail!
> --
> /
> _______________________________________________
> libssh2-devel
Received on 2012-04-04