Subject: Re: Issue connecting to Netscreen/Juniper devices

Re: Issue connecting to Netscreen/Juniper devices

From: Benjamin Krajmalnik <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2012 20:44:09 -0600


I may have found something which may point us in the right direction.
Per Juniper Release notes:

Addressed Issues in ScreeenOS 5.4.0r24 (highest version release for NS50):
677457 – Open SSH 5.8 client with pty-req greater than 256 bytes fails
with “PTY allocation request failed” error.

We were getting an access denied, but maybe it is the same.
I will try to have the firmware on one of the problematic devices
upgraded to this release to see if it fixes the problem, but if we can
see if the req > 256 bytes then we at least know what is causing the

> I can't guarantee anything but I could certainly try to give a shot! Feel
> free to contact me off-list if you'd prefer that for this sort of info.
> --
>  /
> _______________________________________________
> libssh2-devel

Received on 2012-06-08