Subject: Re: Facing issue with libssh2 on MAC OSX

Re: Facing issue with libssh2 on MAC OSX

From: Akshay Joshi <>
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 15:23:44 +0530


Can anyone please suggest me the solution for my below mail.

On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 7:19 PM, Akshay Joshi

> Hi
> I am using libssh2 to create SSH Tunnel. SSH tunnel gets created and
> deleted on some menu action. On the first attempt tunnel gets created and
> deleted successfully, but when I'll try to recreate SSH Tunnel I am facing
> crash/assert in libssh2. Not sure why it is crashing, because it is running
> successfully on Windows and Linux environment. Is there any bug on MAC OSX
> where libssh2 is not working properly.
> I am also facing "SSL SYSCALL error : EOF detected" error every time.
> --
> *Akshay Joshi
> Senior Software Engineer
> EnterpriseDB Corporation
> The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company
> Phone: +91 20-3058-9522
> Mobile: +91 976-788-8246*

*Akshay Joshi
Senior Software Engineer
EnterpriseDB Corporation
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company
Phone: +91 20-3058-9522
Mobile: +91 976-788-8246*

Received on 2012-11-29