Subject: Channel timeout

Channel timeout

From: Jiří Ševčík <>
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 22:36:36 +0200

Hi, We are dealing with problem during parallel creation of several
channels and creation of direct tcp ip channel for a server that is
unavailable. The whole program runs in a main loop using epoll. For testing
we use dropped packets of forward server (ssh server refuses connection
after three minutes). In case of induced event on server, all channels are
tried out in framework of operation by a method in accordance for a given
state of the channel. Our problems follow as such. 1. Parallel creation of
channels within a framework of a single non-blocking session. Is there any
effective way how to achieve that? 2. The activity on an active channel
cancels the creation of re-routed channel. 3. According to a trace listing
it was found out, that after minute of attempting to create a re-routed
channel within a libssh2 framework an internal timeout is initiated, the
creation is cancelled and a new channel is created internally. This does
not propagate itself into the application. In attachment you can find a
testing code and trace listing where: -lines in the listing in a form
'09.04.2014 10:35:13.912' are listings of the program itself. - A debug
trace listing [libssh2] 60.908507 Conn: Packet requirev retval' is added
for observing of return value


Received on 2014-04-13