Subject: Re: Questions about libssh2_sftp_read()

Re: Questions about libssh2_sftp_read()

From: Nitin Deokate <>
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 06:04:32 +0530

Thanks for the reply.
In subsequent reads too, I get smaller chunk.
Could you please suggest what can be done in my code to have more
subsequent calls? any test case you have ?

On Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 2:34 AM, Daniel Stenberg <> wrote:

> On Sat, 14 Jun 2014, Nitin Deokate wrote:
> 1. I have an application, where I use libssh2_sftp_read(), and I
>> pass
>> larger buffer(say 8K to 16MB) to same function,
>> What I expect is, data of same bytes, but all I get is 2000Bytes.
> No, that is probably all you get in the first read call. That's quite a
> difference. In subsequent reads you are likely to get larger pieces.
> What could help me to get as equal to the buffer size I passed and not
>> 2000 bytes?
> If you have less latency to the server you may get more, but the first
> call is likely to always just give you a small piece.
> 2. Is it any significant reason for selecting value for
>> #define MAX_SFTP_READ_SIZE 2000
>> Why it can’t have more bytes than that?
> It can, just bump it. But you will not get the amount you ask for at once,
> you can up to that amount, then you call the function over and over again
> until you're done.
> Has anybody faced this scenario before, please revert as early as
>> possible.
> I don't even understand your scenario. We have users downloading insane
> amounts of data over SFTP with no problems. This is not a known problem
> you're talking about.
> The 2K number is simply the "block size". libssh2 sends read MANY requests
> with that size and as soon as one comes back it can return data. When you
> call read again, more packets might already have arrived and can be
> returned and so on. I blogged about this technique when I made this change:
> --
> /

Received on 2014-06-15