Subject: Re: Multiple channels and epoll(7)

Re: Multiple channels and epoll(7)

From: Henrik Nordström <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 11:15:49 +0200

tis 2014-06-24 klockan 22:28 -0600 skrev Eduardo Silva:
> hmm so if my socket is in an event loop and i get notifications,
> besides to walk through my list of active channels, for each one
> should i also walk for each stream_id ?, if so, how can i know the
> number of streams that a channel is handling ?

By the application you are running.

port forwarding -> only the default stream.

shell -> default stream + stream 1 (stderr).

Should be safe to assume the server do not unexpectedly start using
stream numbers you don't know about.


Received on 2014-06-25