Subject: Re: breaking the ABI (was Re: 'watch' libssh2 on github)

Re: breaking the ABI (was Re: 'watch' libssh2 on github)

From: Will Cosgrove <>
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2015 09:00:53 -0700

>> Furthermore, I have sha256 kex support but is also binary incompatible.
> How and why is that binary incompatible?

In kmdhgGPsha1kex_state_t, I changed the following:

1) h_sig_comp to be size of MAX_SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH (which I defined to be SHA256 digest length at the moment)
2) changed exchange_hash to be a void* instead of a libssh2_sha1_ctx to not be sha1 specific.

I also renamed kmdhgGPsha1kex_state_t to kmdhgGPshakex_state_t.

As for the known_hosts error values, in the future I would strongly encourage the use of unique error codes going forward. Writing end-user applications rely on unique error codes to generate meaningful user error strings to present to the user.


Received on 2015-03-12