Please let me know the dependencies to code using libssh2 client library.
On 09-Jul-2015 11:59 pm, "Peter Stuge" <peter_at_stuge.se> wrote:
> Kishore Av wrote:
> > What's the max limit of bytes we can send as command in
> > libssh2_channel_exec API.
> That depends on the server OS kernel as much as the server-side SSH
> implementation. You can control neither.
> > As i tried, 34,725 bytes of string can be sent as command in that api.
> > I using loop say it iterates till 4mb. First iteration,
> > libssh2_channel_exec success in executing command, but from 2nd
> > iteration getting fails - throws error - unable to send channel
> > request.
> As I explained, you must use a special program on the server to
> facilitate the execution of multiple commands. You will have to
> create and supply that program, ideally as part of setting up the
> channel.
> //Peter
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Received on 2015-07-15