Subject: Re: Github notifications

Re: Github notifications

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2015 15:40:57 +0200 (CEST)

On Wed, 19 Aug 2015, Alexander Lamaison wrote:

>> Hm, it is in fact already setup to mail the libssh2-changes list. Doesn't
>> that work?
> Commit notifications are appearing on the list, but not issues or PRs.

There's no such distinction available for all I know. I'm asking for email
notifications and this is what we get. :-/

>> Other than that, I believe the general idea with github is that you
> subscribe yourself to get notifications by clicking 'watch' on the repos
> you're interested in...
> The notifications are just a bubble on the page when you visit github. It's
> not very obviously. Also only works if your on there frequently.

I get emails with them too - as yeah without that they would be completely
useless for me. I guess that is perhaps because I have that option checked in
my settings->"Notification center".

Received on 2015-08-20