Subject: The Perl & SSH hachathon

The Perl & SSH hachathon

From: Salvador Fandiño <>
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2015 10:25:29 +0200


As part of the YAPC::Europe::2015 happening this week on Granada, we are
organizing a small hackathon with the "Perl & SSH" theme on Saturday.

The idea is to bring together people interested in that area to improve
the current state of SSH related Perl modules and specifically,
Net::SSH2, the Perl wrapper for libssh2.

So, any one from the libssh2 community is welcome to participate via IRC
or in person, if you happen to be around. No Perl knowledge required. We
would definitively appreciate having some libssh2 developer at hand to
take a look into any libssh2 issue found (if any!).

In order to attend via IRC you don't really need to register on the
conference website, just show up on the channel on the hackathon day!


Received on 2015-09-01