Do you know someone I could hire to do this build for me? My boss has
prioritized other projects, but still want's this done. Ideally, we'd be
able to get some simple Windows build instructions and the necessary
CMake files. He's also said that contributing back is OK, BTW.
On 09/02/2015 03:10 AM, Alexander Lamaison wrote:
> On 1 September 2015 at 23:32, Matthew Voss <> wrote:
>> Thanks for the input! I managed to find this email from a while back:
>> I followed the instructions, and I was down to a single error.
>> Essentially, it can't find the declaration of "struct ocsp_response_st",
>> so it's giving me error C2059 (invalid typedef). This is available in
>> "crypto/ospf.h", but it isn't included in any other header files or in
>> the libssh2 code. I went ahead an inserted it into the appropriate
>> header file, but got a bunch of errors that I think are the results of
>> an undefined macro.
> ...snip
>> Are these macros provided by another library? Do they need to be
>> manually defined?
> Inserting extra #includes will just lead you on a wild goose chase.
> Stick to using the source as-is.
> Keep in mind, this code is widely used, and is probably built several
> hundred times a day round the world, including on Windows. If extra
> includes were required to do a basic build, they would already be
> there [1].
> I recommend configuring the project with CMake, even if you aren't
> going to use it that way. Doing so will immediately tell you where
> the problem lies: if it gives you OpenSSL errors again, there is
> something wrong with your OpenSSL installation. If it works fine,
> there was something wrong with your handcrafted project file. In that
> case, you can use the CMake-generated project as a guide to fixing
> your project.
> Or just keep using CMake. Things have changed since 2012, when I
> wrote the message you linked to. The CMake option didn't exist back
> then, so, on Windows, you were stuck with a limited selection of
> pre-baked projects for really old VS versions. That's why I favoured
> hand-crafting your own. Now CMake can generate projects with support
> for many compilers and up-to-date VS versions, 32 or 64-bit, and with
> the same choice of options that are available on Linux/Mac OS.
> [1] Unless you are doing something quite specialised like using custom
> variants of OpenSSL - You'd know if you were.
> Alex
Received on 2015-09-04