Subject: Re: build libssh2 with openssl

Re: build libssh2 with openssl

From: Jan Ehrhardt <>
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 10:59:28 +0100

Micka in (Mon, 18 Feb 2019 09:10:40
>I tried with :
>cmake -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR="..\..\..\OpenSSL\source\vc-win32"

If libssl.lib & libcrypto.lib are in the lib-dir under the openssl root
and the include files in the include\openssl dir under the openssl root
cmake -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR="..\..\..\OpenSSL\source\vc-win32"
should be enough for cmake. Or use an absolute path like
cmake -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR="C:\Projects\OpenSSL\source\vc-win32"

The 'source' in your path rises the suspicion that OpenSSL is not
installed in ..\..\..\OpenSSL\source\vc-win32. CMake searches for an
installed OpenSSL. Expected files for a x86 build (the dll's end with
-x64.dll for x64)

|- lib\libssl.lib
|- lib\libcrypto.lib
|- include\openssl\ssl.h (and all the other header-files)
|- bin\libcrypto-1_1.dll (not needed for compiling)
|- bin\libssl-1_1.dll (not needed for compiling)

Received on 2019-02-18