Subject: terminal-like application - multiple usage of one channel

terminal-like application - multiple usage of one channel

From: Szymon Halat <>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2020 16:29:52 +0200

I'm preparing terminal-like application with libssh2 and I'm struggling
with one thing: multiple usage of channel. I'm running ssh2_exec.c example
and it's ok, but when I add multiple commands, it is necessary to create
new channel for each command, in other case I receive error: "bad usage".
However, my application expects, that I'll type command, send it,
receive response and type another command in the same place. I don't want
to start from the beginning. Example:
cmd1: cd Desktop
// no output
cmd2: ls
// list of files at Desktop

Is it possible with that library?

Best regards,

Received on 2020-04-24