Subject: Re: [libssh2] Libssh2 status / documentation request

Re: [libssh2] Libssh2 status / documentation request

From: Chris Nystrom <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 12:24:50 -0600

On 1/16/07, Mark Erikson <> wrote:
> First, I'm wondering if there's any further documentation or examples of
> how to go about using libssh2 in a serious program, particularly for
> terminal emulation support. The ssh2_sample.c kind of skimps out on
> that area, instead just saying that "this is where stuff happens". The
> API documentation is decent, but there's not a lot of help in how to use
> that API.

I have some example code at:

There are small examples for executing a remote command, using a
remote subsystem, and a file copy.

Hope that helps,

E-Mail: Chris Nystrom <>
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Received on 2007-01-16