Subject: Re: [libssh2] How to increase performance of libssh2 SFTP Read/Write

Re: [libssh2] How to increase performance of libssh2 SFTP Read/Write

From: James Housley <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 09:36:58 -0400

Some quick test with the sftp and sftp_nonblocking programs in
example/simple shows that the amount of data requested in the call to
libssh2_sftp_read() is much more important the the SSH packet size.
All test were between two computers on the same network connected by
100MBs switch and transferring a 616M zip compressed file

sftp/sftp_nonblock read size: 1K
                 sftp sftp_nonblock
libssh2 max | 1:06.98 | 1:05.01
packet: 4K | 1:07.37 | 1:05.14
              | 1:05.14 | 1:05.00
libssh2 max | 1:05.71 | 1:11.32
packet: 32K | 1:05.19 | 1:04.83
              | 1:05.30 | 1:05.22

sftp/sftp_nonblock read size: 16K
                 sftp sftp_nonblock
libssh2 max | 0:06.03 | 0:06.03
packet: 4K | 0:06.11 | 0:06.03
              | 0:06.56 | 0:05.96
libssh2 max | 0:06.14 | 0:06.01
packet: 32K | 0:06.04 | 0:05.93
              | 0:06.11 | 0:05.92

Although these tests were simple, it shows that when reading the more
data you ask the library for in each call the better the performance.


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Received on 2007-06-19