On Wed, 7 Nov 2007, Tom Marynowski wrote:
> 1) I don˙˙t understand the difference between socket blocking and non
> blocking. Scp while always connect server on port 22.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berkeley_sockets#Blocking_vs._nonblocking
> 2) I have seen only example for client not for server (if I have no forget
> some think).
I've not seen any either. And I even believe that the current incarnation of
the lib is pretty much focused on the client-side.
> 3) if I compile libssh2.dll with zlib, if I execute scp.exe. I have error:
> *Ordinal 55* can not be found in zlib1.dll
That sounds like a build/zlib problem. I know next to nothing about windows
and fixing windows development problems.
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libssh2-devel mailing list
Received on 2007-11-07