Subject: Re: [libssh2] Symlink or Hardlink?

Re: [libssh2] Symlink or Hardlink?

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 08:52:58 +0200 (CEST)

On Thu, 15 May 2008, Neil Gierman wrote:

> According to the last draft of SFTP I see
> (, the
> Link packet of SFTP supports hardlink or symlink, with the last byte of the
> packet being true for symlink or false for hardlink.

Quote from src/sftp.c in libssh2:

/* Note: Version 6 was documented at the time of writing
  * However it was marked as "DO NOT IMPLEMENT" due to pending changes
  * This release of libssh2 implements Version 5 with automatic downgrade
  * based on server's declaration

The document you link to above is that mentioned version 6. (Mentioned in
section 5 of the document.)

> I was wondering if anyone has tried the symlink function and if it creates a
> hard oy symbolic link. Either way, I think there should be a new "link_type"
> you can pass to libssh2_sftp_symlink_ex that will determine which type of
> link to create and populate the last byte of the sftp packet appropriately.

AFAIR, there are plenty of other bigger and smaller things in v6 that libssh2
doesn't support.

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Received on 2008-05-16