Subject: Re: RE : libssh2 in a multi threaded application

Re: RE : libssh2 in a multi threaded application

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 12:23:47 +0200 (CEST)

On Tue, 31 Mar 2009, Jean-Louis CHARTON wrote:

> For OpenSSL part, maybe the _init() function should only load the necessary
> ciphers and not all as it is done currently; except of course if all ciphers
> are actually required by libssh2.

> EVP_add_cipher(cipher1);
> EVP_add_cipher(cipher2);
> ...
> EVP_add_cipher(cipherN);
> Instead of
> OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers();

That would probably be really hard to do properly since we won't know at
init-time what ciphers to use later on. Would we?

> Also, the _init() function should call RAND_seed() if necessary ...

I disagree. I think we should limit it to stuff that MUST be done in a single
thread. Everything that CAN be done later should.

> For the crypto callbacks, maybe the _init() function could have one boolean
> parameter so that the caller can specified whether or not the application is
> multi threaded.

Hm, if we would make it set the underlying crypto mutex callbacks I think the
option would say "use mutexes" or similar, yes.

I figure we should make the init() function take a bitmask option to have it
open for features like this. We also have it similar to that in libcurl.

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Received on 2009-04-17