Subject: Re: SCP upload failure

Re: SCP upload failure

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 23:47:01 +0200 (CEST)

On Wed, 26 Aug 2009, Jeremy Knope wrote:

> Oh to add to this, the corruption only happened when I was using a buffer
> size larger than what libssh2's write packet size limit was (32*1024 I
> believe was the limit) it would say it was splitting up the writes, I had it
> set to 128*1024 for buffer size. Once I set it to 32*1024 or lower I no
> longer had files corrupting when going to this OS X server.

I think it could be an even more basic error because lots of code in libssh2
takes the passed in size, allocates that big of packet and sends that off.
Quite possibly it thus created a too big packet in this case. Given that big
input packet, it should either make multiple packets and send or just use the
first N bytes.

Received on 2009-08-28