Subject: Re: problem with big data packages using libssh2_channel_read

Re: problem with big data packages using libssh2_channel_read

From: Mateusz Pilski <>
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 14:35:58 +0100

2011/2/22 Daniel Stenberg <>

> On Tue, 22 Feb 2011, Mateusz Pilski wrote:
> Please don't top-post, it makes it very hard to follow what's being said!

sorry for that.

> Thank you for quick response. Unfortunately this isn't the solution for my
>> problem because channel is set for nonblocking few lines before code i
>> pasted using
> Okay, so what version are you using on what operating system?
> i'm using
system: Debian 2.6.32-28
libssh2 version 1.2.7
and all of this is on quite old and slow machine:
cpu 800 mhz 64 KB cache
memory 256 MB
but still it isn't a piece of junk i remember i've played for example quake
2 on similar machine and there were no problems at all and i don't think
that sending encrypted package of 4 KB size could be more demanding than
i have made some test on faster machine (cpu 2400 mhz 1024 KB chache) and
everything goes fine there.

Have you tried to repeat the problem with a recent snapshot/git version?
> yes, nothing changed.

> also there i use function libssh2_channel_handle_extended_data2(channel,
>> LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA_MERGE); but i don't suppose that it have
>> influence on my problem.
> Can you help us help you and provide a full example that repeats this
> problem?
> i post here mostly simplified working code with this error(compile with
-lssh2 -lncurses). Code is quite long but functions connection() and
makeconnection() are just lightly modified code of connection example from
libssh2 site ( so the interesting part
is only function mainloop(). To make connection change first 3 lines of
code. Because i cut most of the code result is litle messy, but what is
important is when you connect and type command "cat largefile.dat" it will
hang just like i described before. Note that if packet will be large but
still smaller than BUFFSIZE (for example if you change BUFFSIZE to 124096
and HALFBUFFSIZE to 62048) all will go well.

#define confighost ""
#define configusername "login"
#define configpassword "password"
#include <libssh2.h>
#include <ncurses.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h> /* String function definitions */
#include <termios.h> /* POSIX terminal control definitions */

#define BUFFSIZE 4096
#define HALFBUFFSIZE 2048

char pass[64];
int curpos=0,comlen=0;

static void kbd_callback(const char *name, int name_len,
             const char *instruction, int instruction_len, int num_prompts,
             const LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_KBDINT_PROMPT *prompts,
             LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_KBDINT_RESPONSE *responses,
             void **abstract)
    if (num_prompts == 1) {
        responses[0].text = strdup(pass);
        responses[0].length = strlen(pass);
} /* kbd_callback */

int block=0,arrow=0;
    LIBSSH2_SESSION *session;
    LIBSSH2_CHANNEL *channel;

int connection(int *socke)
  unsigned long hostaddr;
    int sock, auth_pw = 0;
    struct sockaddr_in sin;
    const char *fingerprint;
    char *userauthlist;
#ifdef WIN32
    WSADATA wsadata;

    WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsadata);

hostaddr = inet_addr(confighost);

    sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
#ifndef WIN32

    fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, 0);

    sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
    sin.sin_port = htons(22);
    sin.sin_addr.s_addr = hostaddr;

    if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr*)(&sin),
                sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Nie udało się nawiązać połączenia z %s!\nSprawdź
swoje połączenie sieciowe.\nJeśli problem będzie się powtarzać skontaktuj
się z administratorem.\n naciśnij enter aby spróbować ponownie",confighost);


        return -1;

printf("połączenie z serwerem jest aktywne\n");

int makeconnection(LIBSSH2_SESSION **sesion,LIBSSH2_CHANNEL **chanel,int

const char *keyfile1="~/.ssh/";
const char *keyfile2="~/.ssh/id_rsa";


  unsigned long hostaddr;
    int sock, auth_pw = 0;
    struct sockaddr_in sin;
    const char *fingerprint;
    char *userauthlist;

    /* Create a session instance and start it up
     * This will trade welcome banners, exchange keys, and setup crypto,
compression, and MAC layers
    session = libssh2_session_init();
int ind;
    if (!libssh2_session_startup(session, sock))break;
#ifdef WIN32
        if (!libssh2_session_startup(session, sock))break;

        fprintf(stderr, "Nie udało się nawiązać sesji SSH\n");

    fingerprint = libssh2_hostkey_hash(session, LIBSSH2_HOSTKEY_HASH_MD5);
    /* check what authentication methods are available */
    userauthlist = libssh2_userauth_list(session, configusername,
    //printf("Authentication methods: %s\n", userauthlist);
    if (strstr(userauthlist, "password") != NULL) {
        auth_pw |= 1;
    if (strstr(userauthlist, "keyboard-interactive") != NULL) {
        auth_pw |= 2;
    if (strstr(userauthlist, "publickey") != NULL) {
        auth_pw |= 4;

    if (auth_pw & 1) {
        /* We could authenticate via password */
        if (libssh2_userauth_password(session, configusername,
configpassword)) {
            printf("\nNieprawidłowy login lub hasło!\n");

            return -2; /*goto shutdown;*/
        } else {
 // printf("\tAuthentication by password succeeded.\n");
    } else if (auth_pw & 2) {
        /* Or via keyboard-interactive */
        if (libssh2_userauth_keyboard_interactive(session, configusername,
&kbd_callback) ) {
            printf("\tAuthentication by keyboard-interactive failed!\n");

            return -2; /*goto shutdown;*/
        } else {
            printf("\tAuthentication by keyboard-interactive succeeded.\n");
    } else if (auth_pw & 4) {
        /* Or by public key */
        if (libssh2_userauth_publickey_fromfile(session, configusername,
keyfile1, keyfile2, configpassword)) {
            printf("\tAuthentication by public key failed!\n");

            return -2; /*goto shutdown;*/
        } else {
            printf("\tAuthentication by public key succeeded.\n");
    } else {
        printf("No supported authentication methods found!\n");

        return -2; /*goto shutdown;*/

   /* Request a shell */
    if (!(channel = libssh2_channel_open_session(session))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open a session\n");

        return -2; /*goto shutdown;*/

// libssh2_channel_setenv(channel, "FOO", "bar");

     * See /etc/termcap for more options
    char *termtype;
    termtype = getenv("TERM");

    if (libssh2_channel_request_pty(channel, "vt102")) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed requesting pty\n");

        return -3; /*goto skip_shell;*/

    /* Open a SHELL on that pty */
    if (libssh2_channel_shell(channel)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to request shell on allocated pty\n");

        return -2; /*goto shutdown;*/

return 1;


int mainloop(LIBSSH2_CHANNEL *channel)
char schelout[2*BUFFSIZE];
char c[2];
int readlen,flags;

            /*set stdin nonblockign*/
    flags = fcntl(0, F_GETFL, 0);
     flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
     fcntl(0, F_SETFL, flags);
            /*set ssh channel nonblockign*/
    libssh2_channel_set_blocking(channel, 0);

    /*set getch noecho*/

     struct termios attrs,oldattrs;
       tcgetattr( 0, &attrs );
    tcgetattr( 0, &oldattrs );
     attrs.c_cc[VINTR] = 0;
    attrs.c_cc[VSUSP] = 0;
    tcsetattr( 0, 0, &attrs );

int i=0;
    while(1) /*main loop*/

    flags = fcntl(0, F_GETFL, 0); /*reseting terminal configuration*/
    flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
    fcntl(0, F_SETFL, flags);
    tcsetattr( 0, 0, &oldattrs );
return 1;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

int sock;
char tekst[128];


if (makeconnection(&session,&channel,&sock)==1)
/*else faild to connect*/

    if (channel) {
        channel = NULL;

    libssh2_session_disconnect(session, "Normal Shutdown, Thank you for
    return 0;

Received on 2011-02-23