- [libssh2] #186: libssh gets stuck at kex_method_diffie_hellman_groupGP_sha1_key_exchange. CPU utilization goes upto 100%
- [libssh2] #200: Compression not enabled correctly
- [libssh2] #204: Enhance authentication to return partial success codes
- [libssh2] #205: "Error waiting for FXP_READ ACK" during large download on Windows
- [libssh2] #207: libssh2 (v1.2.1) crashes in libssh2_channel_read_ex due to invalid memory write
- [libssh2] #208: Facing an issue while SFTP copying on Solaris
- [libssh2] #209: Failure in build of the example programs (1.2.7 static on MinGW)
- [libssh2] #210: make check and install fail on Solaris (OpenIndiana x86)
- [libssh2] #211: size mismatch between struct transportpacket fields causes libssh2 to get stuck
- [libssh2] #212: Win32 access violation reading beyond module's executable address space
- [libssh2] #213: segfault while calling some API in multithreads
- [libssh2] Trac commands in commit messages
- [PATCH] do decompression only if needed
- bug in sftp_write_sliding.c
- libssh2_sftp_fstat_ex(): getting user and group
- problem with big data packages using libssh2_channel_read
- public key authentication
- sample code for using sftp file attributes
- sftp - errors