Subject: Re: SFTP issues

Re: SFTP issues

From: Alexander Lamaison <>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2012 18:50:43 +0000

On 22 February 2012 22:55, Salvador Fandiņo <> wrote:

> I have been testing my module with libssh2 1.4.0 and found that put
> transfers always stall after reading around 262130 +-10 from the channel
> (note that my module does not use the SFTP functionality from libssh2, it
> just connects to the remote server, creates a new channel and then writes
> and reads from it).
> After seeing this thread I got the source from git, hoping that my problem
> would have being also solved, but is hasn't.
> I think it would be a good idea to test the patch with bigger transfers
> before making a new release.

You say you don't use libssh2's SFTP implementation so the changes
introduced by the patch don't apply to your problem. They only change


Swish - Easy SFTP for Windows Explorer (
Received on 2012-02-23