On 03/01/2012 01:43 PM, Henrik Nordström wrote:
> tor 2012-03-01 klockan 20:20 +0100 skrev Peter Stuge:
>> To debug further, you could add a wait for SSH_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED
>> after sending keepalive with want reply = 0, and see what happens.
> Why isn't there sequence number in the debug output? Confuses things a
> bit.
> The SSH_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED is in response to the packet with seqno 4
> (fifth packet), which is the keep-alive sent before authentication.
> Note that SSH_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED should be sent in response to
> unimplemented messages even if want_reply == 0. want_reply is a message
> specific flag, not part of transport.
I'll give sending the keepalive until after auth finishes a go
> Regards
> Henrik
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Received on 2012-03-01