Subject: Re: so name bump; impact on major, minor and patch version

Re: so name bump; impact on major, minor and patch version

From: Jose Baars <>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2010 21:18:09 +0100

Op 3/14/2010 7:57 PM, Daniel Stenberg schreef:
> If not using libtool and their suggested way of numbering the libs,
> what exactly are you suggesting? And isn't the problem you refer to
> rather a problem with libtool rather than with libssh2?
For the foreseeable future I won't be using libtool, it solves problems
that do not exist
on VMS, and introduces problems due to the non-native nature of bash and
the gnu tools
on VMS, although John Malmberg has been pretty successful in getting it
to work for curl
and zlib amongst others.

My main argument not to use it is that it doesn't really help solving a
lot of VMS specifics,
handling the 4 configure dependencies and generating a makefile is
peanuts compared to that.

My personal priority is in getting the SSH functionality available on
VMS, and device a
sustainable way to keep up with the quick pace in which libssh2 evolves.
At the moment
I can't see a lot of benefit from using libtool.


Received on 2010-03-14