- [libssh2] #223: errors in multi threads applications
- [libssh2] #230: Getting Disconnect after user auth request
- [libssh2] #231: Arbos doesn't answer on "enter" after login
- [libssh2] #232: "Unknown user" message when using scp
- [PATCH] knownhost_add: Avoid dereferencing uninitialized memory on error path.
- [PATCH] knownhost_check(): Don't dereference ext if NULL is passed
- A release
- libssh2 / SFTP download problem
- Libssh2 usage from cURL with various buffer sizes.
- Patch to ticket 228
- Possible libssh2_sftp_rename_ex bug?
- Potential remote listener bug
- some warnings when compiling for windows
- Trac health